We provide a nurturing environment where emotional, social, spiritual and financial needs are addressed. Single mothers are afforded the time and opportunity to learn the skills required to move from homlessness to home, become financially self-sufficient and a better equipped parent.
Our Mission
Our Vision
A home for every mother and child where they feel safe, and motivated to thrive and fulfill their dreams.
Our Values
- Integrity- We believe honesty and transparency promotes goodwill and undergirds a healthy relationship. Our residents, employees, volunteers, and community partners help to create a reciprocal atmosphere of integrity.
- Trust- We believe single mothers with children should feel safe and our stakeholders and partners can depend on us as agency.
- Empowerment- We believe every person has the ability to excel. Clients, employees, partners and stakeholders are encouraged to initiate and promote positive change.
- Respect- We believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect in word and deed. Kindness, courtesy, encouragement, a willingness to listen and be heard are of utmost importance.
- Excellence- We believe we honor our clients and ourselves through serving others well and demonstrating pride in all we do.
Our Goals
- Decrease homelessness among single mothers
- Promote financial self sufficiency
- Increase employability among single mothers
- Develop healthy parenting and life skills
Equality & Diversity Statement
“Hope Starts Here” at the Firm Foundation of Virginia, Inc. where we actively promote a diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organization where all employees, volunteers, partners, and program participants – whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability – feel valued, respected, and heard.